The Villages Grown is a 9-acre controlled environment, vertically grown, hydroponic farm that harvests, processes and delivers produce to grocers, restaurants, their own store, and more — all within 48 hours.​
Roles: Branding | Copywriting | Creative Director | Art Director | Account Manager
Channels: Print | Digital | Packaging Design | Merch Design | Environmental | Tradeshow | Social
Creative/Designers: Krissi Kugler, Mona DeTores, Dan Schmidt

Harvested + Delivered within 48 Hours
More Nutritious
More Flavorful
Vertically Grown to Conserve Land
Longer Shelf Life
Local Farms + Artisan Product Aggregation
Better for You + the Community

The Product
We completely redesigned the packaging labels and started to move toward a full rebrand, however ultimately decided to rename and rebrand the entire venture due to our extension into markets outside of The Villages (You can see the new brand here). In this we saw our product picked up by not only Publix, but Kroger Delivery, Walmart, and Winn Dixie.

Our Swag Game = Strong
The Villages Grown became a sense of pride in our community and our merch allowed residents to show their support of the local food system we aimed to create.

And this isn't even half of the merch we created...

Educational Print Ad
+ Direct Mail Campaign

B2B Microgreen Informational Tool
B2B Microgreen Health
Educational Tool

Hosting Lunch-and-Learns for restaurants interested in incorporating our product into their menu, allowed for a try-before-you-buy approach.
I handcrafted and named all of the delicious cocktails prepared for the lunches.
In-Store Environmental

Social Media Brand Guide

Keeping a Healthy Distance — COVID 19
Newspaper Ad Campaign

Blog Posts

*Some work may be conceptual/SPEC work